Dr Maya Haviland

PhD, B. App. Sci (Honors)
Translational Fellow and Senior Lecturer Museum Anthropology, Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, Research School of Humanities and the Arts
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Social And Cultural Anthropology 160104
  • Visual Cultures 190104
  • Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Cultural Studies 200201
  • Pacific Cultural Studies 200210
  • Multicultural, Intercultural And Cross Cultural Studies 200209
  • Curatorial And Related Studies 2102
  • Museum Studies 210204
  • Social Program Evaluation 160703
  • Social Change 160805

Research interests

•Collaborative anthropology
•Co-creative Institutions
•Indigenous cultures
•Visual anthropology and documentary film
•Community Cultural Development
•Socially-engaged Art, contemporary art
•Art-based collaborative ethnography
•Collaborative Methodologies
•Participatory Research,  (PAR)
•Participatory evaluation
•Photography, installation
•Collections and Archives
•Curatorial methods


Dr. Maya Haviland is currently a Translational Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies. She leads the Scaffolding Cultural Co-Creativity project (SCCCP), an international multi-partner action learning project investigating the dynamics of co-creation in diverse organisational and cultural contexts, and developing resources and curriculum to support co-creative practice and practitioners.  

Maya’s research career has spanned a range of topics, specialising in community-led research with Indigenous communities, participatory action research and evaluation, and practice-based research. Her current research is focussed on dynamics of co-creation and cultural collaboration; dynamics of creative innovation with traditional knowledge, and cultural resurgence and resilience through collaborative arts and cultural projects.

Maya is a long-term community development practitioner and facilitator, having worked as consultant in Australia, the Pacific and North America for over 15 years prior to joining the ANU. She has undertaken a range of collaborative research projects with communities in Vanuatu, Mexico, the USA and Australia - especially in the Kimberley region. Her In 2018-2020 Maya was seconded part-time to the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the ANU where she led process of co-design and collaboration with industry, academic and students, including convening the CoDesign Culture Lab in November 2019 and production of the Reimagine STEM podcast. She has facilitated a number of collaborative art and documentary projects in the Kimberley region of North Western Australia, in the USA, Mexico and most recently in Vanuatu. Her photographic and installation works have been exhibited in Australia and internationally. She and her partner Brad Riley produced a documentary about the Vanuatu Cultural Centre’s Fieldworker Network – examining its role in cultural documentation and cultural revival. Her book Side by Side? Community Art and the Challenge of Co-Creativity was published in 2017.

She is currently co-producing a podcast with Nicole Deen called Collaboratory, exploring co-creativity in action with a range of practitioners and disciplines. It is scheduled for release in  2022.

Researcher's projects

Scaffolding Cultural Co-Creativity is a a multi-sited, 4 year (2019-2023) research and cultural project exploring the dynamics of creative collaboration across culture, arts and education. 

Through collaborative action research case studies with partner projects and organisations in Australia and internationally, and mixed-method qualitative research with cultural practitioners, SCCCP is identifying and testing new frameworks for mapping cultural co-creativity. We are developing and disseminating tools and resources for practitioners and organisations to facilitate, sustain, embed and scale co-creative practices into diverse organisational and cultural contexts.

Check out the project website for more details: https://scccp.net




Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  02 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers